Monday, April 15, 2024


"The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame."
Proverbs 29:13

My husband and I had some errands to run this past weekend, and while we were out and about, decided to treat ourselves to lunch.  We thought it would be a nice time to just sit and talk and enjoy some good food in a peaceful atmosphere.  That was not to be.
Just as we were sitting down in our designated booth, two women with their children followed and sat in the booth beside us.  One mother was literally dragging her kicking and screaming son behind her.  I looked at my husband and thought, "Oh no!"  
This child continued to scream while his mother kept issuing threats of doomed consequences.  When that didn't work, the mother resorted to bribes.  And when that didn't work, she ended up taking him outside.  I don't know what she did out there, but when they came back into the restaurant, the child seemed to be under control.
Until it was time to order.
Then the screaming, the threats and the bribes picked up where they had left off.
I told my husband, "That child deserves a good spanking!"

There was a time when I would feel sorry for the parents when I witnessed temper tantrums, screams, and tears; but not anymore.
Now I feel sorry for the child.
Because this behavior is produced by a lack of attention on the part of the parent.

Laziness in parenting today...
    will only produce more work, (and heartache) in the future...
        But that's just me!

"One of the worst things we can do is allow our children to grow up thinking they don't need to keep any rules.  A spoiled child becomes a spoiled adult."  Billy Graham

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