Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Jesus Way

I love listening to Christian Radio. When I get into my car to drive the 30 miles to town, I turn the dial to my favorite station.  As I listen to the music, at times my heart is so full it wants to burst.  Other times, crocodile tears fill my eyes as I meditate on the verses that are being sung.  And then I sneak a peek at the person in the car next to me sitting at the red light and I just keep on singing with a smile on my face!
The other day I heard a song for the first time, and it pointed me to Matthew 5:44 45a, it says:

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven:" words of Jesus.

It's not always easy is it?  Someone stabs you in the back, or speaks cruel words to your face, Often times you want to retaliate, maybe give what you get.  But that's not the Jesus way.

Lord, when someone hurts me...
    May the Holy Spirit lead me to respond...
        just like Jesus...
            But that's just me!
The Jesus Way
Jonathan Smith/Phil Wickham
If you curse me, then I will bless you,
If you hurt me, I will forgive,
And if you hate me, then I will love you,
I choose the Jesus way.
If you're helpless, I will defend you,
And if you're burdened, I'll share the weight,
And if you're hopeless, then let me show you,
There's hope in the Jesus way.
If you strike me, I will embrace you,
And if you chain me, I'll sing His praise,
And if you kill me, my home is heaven,
For I choose the Jesus way.
I follow Jesus,
I follow Jesus,
He wore my sin, I'll gladly wear His Name,
He is the treasure, He is the answer,
Oh, I choose the Jesus way.
And I choose surrender,
I choose to love,
Oh, God my Saviour, You'll always be enough,
I choose forgiveness,
I choose grace,
I choose to worship, no matter what I face,
I choose the Jesus way.

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