Thursday, July 4, 2024


My feet hit the floor early this morning.  I had two errands to run in town before my doctor's appointment.  After meeting my Lord in prayer and in His word, I headed out the door.  First stop, the Eye Clinic to pick up my new glasses.  This was the second time around, so my hopes were not too high.  Another error in the prescription, so after getting a refund, (I do not believe in 'the third time's a charm superstition) I headed to my next destination.  I needed to make a return.  I had the item in my car, but no receipt in my wallet.  This return would be made another day.  So, off to my doctor's appointment.  Again, it was not as I had expected.  But God.  Right?  So, to brighten my spirit for my road trip home, I decided to treat myself to a Danish and coffee at Starbucks.  As I hand my money over to the Barista, she hands me my Danish.  I find a spot for it in my car for 'easy access.'  She then hands me my coffee.  As I pull it inside my car, the lid falls off and liquid splashes on my skirt.  (Thankfully I drink iced coffee)
I hand the drink back to the Barista for a double cup and a secured lid, and a handful of napkins.  As I drive away, I shake my head and say, 'Ooh boy, Mondays!'  And then I had to laugh:  today was Wednesday.

"In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him."
Wise words from King Solomon:  Ecclesiastes 7:14

Not every day will go as planned...
    and not every day will go smoothly...
        but rejoice...
            It's not always on Mondays!
                But that's just me!

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