Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Missed Miracles

Charles Spurgeon once said, "A Believer must watch for God in the events of life, that one must wait on God with an expectation of His answers.  One could not collect the water if no jars were put outside when it rained."

It's been said that "among the debris that washes up on the beach are bits of sea glass and remnants of grand for them."
I grew up not far from the Oregon Coast.  After storms we would walk along the beach just between the waves and the wet sand looking for agates.  I used to pick up a lot of rocks, diligently looked them over, and either tossed them back into the water, dropped them back onto the sand, or gently placed them in the bucket I used to carry for such treasures. Sometimes the sea glass was so beautiful, I couldn't tell if it was an agate or just glass, I only knew that if I didn't look for the treasures, they would be over-looked; missed.
I read something similar to that in Mark 6:52. It says, "For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened."  The disciples missed a miracle because of their hard hearts.  I found that amazing and couldn't stop thinking about it.  Here are 12 men who forsook family and friends, left their nets on the beaches, and followed Christ, and yet after witnessing so many miracles at the Hand of Jesus, still missed miracles because of hard hearts.
Was it because they had grown used to seeing miracles?
Had it all just been mechanics to them?
Or did they just stop seeing them for what they were?

It made me think of another verse; a verse that actually hindered the work of Christ:  "And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief."  Matthew 13:58

I find that tragic.  

Psalm 68:19 tells us, 'Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.  Selah."
"These are little daily special touches from God that let us know that He is still there and that He cares.  The every day miracles that reflect God's sovereignty, His Supreme Power and Authority over every detail of our lives."  (Grace Notes: Mornings with Jesus.  Guideposts)

Am I seeing the daily miracles God gives me, or have I stopped looking?
Can I still recognize them for what they are?
Or has my heart grown hard?

So, how do we recognize daily miracles?
    By looking for them and recognizing them for what they are...
        and then, by recognizing Who they are from...
            It's as simple as that!
                But that's just me!

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