Tuesday, July 16, 2024


"For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes."  Jeremiah 16:17

We recently hired a fencing contractor to install a new fence around our backyard.  In order to put the new one in place, the old one had to be removed.  With the help of a family friend and one of my sons, my husband and I were able to remove the pickets and posts in just a couple of days.  Once the old fence was down, we had a week to wait for the new one to be put up.  The first time I walked out to my backyard without the enclosed fence, I felt EXPOSED.
Every car driving by, every person walking their dog, every bicyclist, skater and neighbor could see everything I was doing; weeding, planting, playing with my dog, my husband grilling, or just swinging in my swing.
It felt very strange.
It made me more aware of what others were viewing.
It made me aware of what I was hiding.
It made me conscience of the fact that my heavenly Father sees me, hears me and most importantly, knows my heart.
Whether or not I have erected a fence around it.
What does He see?
Am I pleasing to His sight?

King David asked God to, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."  Psalm 139:23,24

It's good to be exposed...
      It shows the true character of our hearts...
         and leads to confession and restoration...
            But that's just me!

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