"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Galatians 6:7
My husband and I entered our local pharmacy the other day to get our flu shots. While we were waiting our turn, I walked around and looked at all of the lovely gifts. Some of my favorite things to look at, are the wooden signs you can either place on a shelf or hang on a wall that always seem to have a bible verse on it, or perhaps a witty food-for-thought, skillfully written in beautiful calligraphy. There were two such signs that immediately caught my eye. They were clever in the secular sort of way, but they brought bible verses immediately to my mind.
The first sign said, 'Dear Santa, I can explain.' Oh sure. When first read, it brought a chuckle, but then I thought of verses in the bible where someone blamed someone else for their sin. (there are too many to count; the first thought was Adam blaming Eve in the garden) Or how about those who made an excuse not to attend the great supper in Luke 14:15-24? Or the disciple who made the excuse not to follow Jesus because he had to "first bury my father" in Matthew 8:21
My friend, there will be a day when we all stand before God, and we will have no excuse.
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." Hebrews 9:27
The second sign said, 'Everything is fun and games until Santa reads the Naughty List.'
There is no 'Naughty List,' but there IS The Book of Life. "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:15
It breaks my heart to see family and friends living for today, the temporal, and not laying up eternal treasures in heaven.
There is no Santa we can justify our actions away to, and there is no Santa who knows if we have been bad or good.
But there is a Holy God we will one day stand before, and our excuses will die on our lips before they can ever be spoken.
And He will open The Book of Life to see if our name is written inside.
Is your name written in the Book of Life?
It can be...
Turn from your sin, to Christ. Today.
But that's just me!
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