To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1
The day after Thanksgiving I will pack up my pumpkins, gourds and scarecrows, for poinsettias, snowmen and jingle bells. The calendar makes it easy to recognize the season, but when you live in the North, sometimes that's hard to figure out by the weather. We get snow in July, and rain in January. Retail Stores display short sleeve shirts, sandals and swimsuits during Winter and coats, boots, hats and scarves in the Summer. We have Christmas decorations up by July, and sometimes they are up all year long. (Just check out the Clearance aisle)
I appreciate a new season as far as weather is concerned and what each season brings, but often I find myself not appreciating the season as it occurs. I spend more time and thought and energy preparing for the next season. During the Winter months, I'm already planning my Spring Garden.
I'm not living in my season. I'm always looking at tomorrow, next week, next month.
But where is my today? Am I content in the 'here and now', or am I constantly looking for the 'later?'
The season King Solomon is referring to in Ecclesiastes is a whole different type of season. This season is referring to a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature. He mentions different seasons in the following verses. (Verses 2-8)
I will tell you, that seasons of poor health are not my most favorite seasons, and yet it's during those times when I grow closer to my Saviour.
Some seasons are short, some are long, but whatever the duration, I know the Lord is with me.
So, friend, what season are you in at this particular moment in time? Are you sad, depressed, maybe battling a chronic health condition? Maybe you are in a season of joy and happiness? If your season is tough right now, take heart! We don't go through anything just to go through it, there is a purpose!
I am thankful to be in the season of God's choosing, whatever that may be. His plan, His will.
Whenever I was going through a tough time in my life, I remember my mom singing to me in her off-key country lilt, "This too shall pass." She was right.
It will for you too-
But that's just me!
"The seasons change and you change, but the Lord abides evermore the same, and the streams of His love are as deep, as broad and as full as ever." Charles Spurgeon
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