Saturday, October 10, 2020

Work Day

 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord.....Colossians 3:23a

Our church is in the beginning stages of putting in a parking lot.  After having a dirt and gravel parking lot for over 40 years, you can only imagine the excitement that intensifies the air as we eagerly anticipate the final result!
Yesterday we had a scheduled work day to help with the next cement pour.  I leashed up my loyal Labrador and we both walked over to the church to get in on some of the excitement!  When we got to the church, I saw about 10 men wading through the thick, wet cement as the cement truck was pouring the 'liquid gold' into the forms.  With tools in their hands, and boots on their feet, these men were working in the sunshine on this beautiful Fall day, laughing, smiling and joking around as they stayed on task to do what needed to be done.  
For a moment I saw something else:  I saw 10 little boys, standing behind a Tonka Truck playing in the mud.
Boys at Heart!  Each and every one of them!  
Fun times to reflect on in the future when this work is behind them.

Isn't that the way it should be when we are about doing the work of the Lord?  Whatever our hands and feet set out to do, we should be working towards the same goal.
God's children enjoying each other's company while in His Work.

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!  Unknown
But that's just me!

Coming together is a beginning,
Staying together is progress,
and working together is success-  Henry Ford

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