Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Hands and Knees

 I've started my Fall cleaning.  You know, the meticulous cleaning that comes twice a year, once in the Spring, and once in the Fall.  The Nitty Gritty kind of cleaning.  
This morning I began to take pictures down from the walls for a good dusting, washed the walls, ceiling fan,  you get the picture.
But then I got down on my hands and knees and began to scrub the base boards.  The trim that circles the room along the bottom of the walls.   I keep a clean house,  but when I got down on my hands and knees and saw the dirt and dust that had accumulated since my Spring cleaning, I could see my neglect.  

Then God brought a thought to my mind:  when was the last time I got down on my hands and knees before God to pray?  Oh, sure,  I pray throughout the day, during my devotion, before my tasks, when God reminds me of something, or when I need help, but it's usually while sitting in my Quiet Place, or while driving, or while washing the dishes.  But when was the last time I physically kneeled before God to worship Him, to raise petitions before the throne of God on behalf of my family, my friends, my enemies.....?
He revealed my neglect, and like my base boards, I'm a little dusty.

If I can get down on my hands and knees to clean my house, I can certainly kneel before my Saviour who is worthy of all honor and glory.
But that's just me!

O come, let us worship and bow down:  let us kneel before the LORD our maker-Psalm 95:6

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