Monday, August 31, 2020

Comfort Zone

 Have you ever noticed how easy it is to do something for someone you like?  How willing we are to help someone we have something in common?  Maybe we go the extra mile for the popular, but tend to be too busy to help those who seem to be a little strange, the 'odd-duck,'  the un-loveable?   Is there even such a thing?  We witness to those who already seem to have it all together, because after all, why bring more problems into the church?  Right?  But if we are to 'go out into all the world,' with the Gospel, then we are to go to all people.  

Jesus loved the un-loveable, the strange, the 'odd-ducks.'  He touched the lepers, the diseased.  He put back together the broken.  He spoke with the thieves, the murderers, the adulterer's.  He purposely went out of His way to reach those that the world ignored and tossed aside.  He went above and beyond for those the world had no time for.  His Love covers a multitude of sins.

I'm glad He covered mine.

"Following Jesus' approach to evangelism means being intentional about developing friendships with people radically different than myself.  It stretches beyond my comfort zone, but it's worth it."  Grace Fox, Morning's With Jesus 2020

If we are to reach souls for Christ, it's time to step out of our comfort zones, and love the un-loveable.

If we love as Christ loves, we can!  But that's just me!

Friday, August 28, 2020

The Bright Side

 Today we were beginning a new bathroom project.  Simply taking up the old tile, putting the new tile down and installing a new toilet.  Sounded simple, unfortunately it was not.  After removing the old tile, we saw a saturated wood floor.  Water had, somehow, gotten underneath the tile and had saturated the wood.  Not only was the wood wet where the tile and where the toilet once sat, but it included the wood under our bathtub.  When I saw the wet wood, visions of an old movie went running through my head.  The Money Pit, where a couple purchased a house only to find it literally falling apart on them, to include the bathtub falling through the floor!

So I had a choice to make:  I could stand there and cry and complain about the added cost and inconvenience this 'little project' was turning into, or I could remind myself that things could be a lot worse, and to look on the bright side.

Psalm 71:14 says, But I will hope continually, and yet praise thee more and more.

No matter what pops up in our daily, every day lives, I will still never run out of things to praise my heavenly Father for.  

Things could've been a lot worse, so I am choosing to look on the bright side!

But that's just me!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


I love glittery things.  I love things that sparkle, shine and reflect light.  I love bling!

I think God does too.  Why do I think that?  Because God calls his children His Jewels.  We are His Treasure.

Exodus 19:5 says, Now, therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:

Malachi 3:17a says, And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels.

Are you feeling a little down today?  Maybe feeling a little dusty?  Remind yourself that you are God's Treasure.  Dust yourself off and shine for Jesus.

I want to Sparkle!  But that's just me!



Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 I went through the Starbucks drive thru while I was running errands in town yesterday.  Even though I order the same coffee each time, I'm still amazed at how many different ways you can prepare a cup of coffee.  The options are endless:  low-fat, soy, coconut milk, extra shots, mocha, caramel whip.....

The more I thought about it, we have multiple options concerning almost everything we face during the day!  What will I make for dinner?  What will I wear?  Apple or Android?

Religious options are just as endless.  Do you realize, according to Google Search, that there are over 4, 300 different religions around the world?  Our world has turned into the McDonalds Slogan:  "Have it your way."  

Jesus tells us that He is the way.

John 14:6a says:  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:

You have the option to choose religion, or a relationship.  Your way, or The Way.

Dwight L. Moody puts it this way:  "Now just think a moment and answer the question, "What shall I do with Jesus who is called the Christ.?""

I will choose Jesus...

but that's just me!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Who is my Neighbor?

 My phone beeped yesterday notifying me of either a text or reminding me that it was my turn in Words with Friends, but when I turned on my screen, it was 'Breaking News" from my News App.  The riots that have been occurring in my home State have gotten so out of control that innocent people are getting brutely hurt.  This is no longer a friendly political protest, this is plain crime.  I opened my news App and watched cruelty in it's rawest form, and as it played out, I wept.  Not only for the victim, but for those recording the incident.  Why didn't the bystanders put away their phones and help this man who was being beaten?  They could have prevented most of the attack if they had only put down their phones!

Luke 10:25-37 tells us of another victim and another crime.

A man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho and on his way was ambushed by thieves.  They stole all his goods, all of his clothing and beat him so badly that they left him for dead.  First, a priest walked by and kept walking.  Then a Levite looked upon this beaten man and walked by as well, but then a Samaritan came to where he was and had compassion on him.  He bound up this mans wounds with precious oil and wine, and placed him on his own animal and took him to a safe place to heal.

When we see others who need help, we have two choices:  we can walk by, or we can have compassion and help them.  God help me to have compassion on those in need-

But that's just me!

Love stronger than even the deepest hatred-unknown

Monday, August 17, 2020

Wait Time

 Recently I needed to talk face to face with a banker.  So I drove to my bank's local Branch Office to do just that.  I stood in line outside of the bank while each person before me filtered inside to do what they had come to do.  I was second in line when I noticed a sign that was posted on the door of my bank.  It read:  Due to Covid-19, appointments must be made to speak with a Banker.  I had stood there in line, waiting for nothing.  As the person before me went inside, I asked the man who was letting people inside if there were any open appointments to speak with a banker?  He went inside to check but when he returned, he handed me a business card with a 1-800 number and instructions for the phone call written on the front.  My spirits sank as I walked back to my car.  So, while I sat in the parking lot of my bank, I dialed the number.  First you get an automated voice asking why you called the number in the first place.  I have given up trying to speak my answer into the phone, because the reply is always the same:  "Sorry, I didn't get that."  So, I carefully chose my options....which were many, and when I finally reached the last option, the automated voice comes on to let me know that "due to the high volume of calls, my wait time will be six minutes."  Actually, I didn't think that was a very long wait time, so I placed my phone down, pressed the Speaker Option and patiently waited for my six minutes to expire.  After six minutes, sure enough, my phone clicked and in anticipation for a real live person to speak to, I heard a double click and was immediately disconnected!  As my blood pressure slowly began to rise, I redialed and went through the whole process again, this time with successful results.  But as I disconnected this phone call, Psalm 86:7 came to mind.  It says, "In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me."

When I call on God, I don't need to wait in line.  I don't need a business card with a 1-800 number on it with instructions on how to make the call.  I do not need to select options or even listen to a pre-screened, automated voice to direct my call.  Whether I speak my request or remain silent while the Holy Spirit makes intercession for me, I never hear the words, "Sorry, I didn't get that."   I do not need to wait for a certain amount of time due to a high volume of calls, and I will never be disconnected!

My God is available 24/7 for my prayer.  But the best part: He will personally answer each call.

I love calling on my Personal Saviour, don't you?  But that's just me!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Silent Conviction

 Psalm 32:3 says, When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long.

If God sees everything we do and hears everything we say, why do we find confessing our sins so difficult?  Why do we try to hide our secret sins from God?  When we keep our sin, fears and anxieties inside, we end up hurting our physical and mental well-being.

When I was a little girl and did something wrong, I would make a conscience effort to keep it hidden from my Mom.  Oh, she usually already knew what I had done, but I wasn't ready to admit my transgression yet.  I could usually make it through the day, but once I got into bed and my Mom tucked me in, I knew in order to get a good night's rest, I was going to have to talk to my mom.  I knew that if I didn't let my Mom know what was bothering me, I would get a stomach ache.  My lack of confession was only hurting me.  That's what Psalm 32 means.  When I'm convicted of sin and don't confess it, I just end up making myself sick.

As I grew older, and worries crept into my thoughts, or if I was having problems with my health, I would call my Mom on the phone.  It wouldn't take long in our conversation before my mom would say, "Honey, what's wrong?  What's really going on?"  As soon as I shared my heart with her and talked with her through my fears, by the end of the phone call, my heart was lighter and I was burden free.

I miss my Mom and our phone conversations.  She's with the Lord now, but when I'm overwhelmed with the cares of this life, or if I have unconfessed sin in my life, I hear God whisper, "Come talk with me, I already know what's going on....let me help you."

1 Peter 5:7 says, "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

I'm going to give my cares over to the Lord.  He handles them best anyway-  but that's just me!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


 I am easily irritated over technology and it's constant insistence to change.  Just when I figure out my new Smart phone, it's time to upgrade.  I usually spend my first week in tears and frustration because my new phone won't do things the same way as my old phone.  Honestly, how can this be better?

And now my Blogger page has been upgraded, and just when I was getting familiar with the old web page.  Yes, Readers, I understand what a paragraph is and when to single space or double space.  Unfortunately the new and improved web tools does not.  I am currently on a long list of other disgruntled Bloggers concerning the 'improvements.'

Changes.  Upgrades.  Not always necessary and not always new and improved.

But have you ever come across a stagnant Christian?  You wonder, how can a person remain unchanged after years of hearing biblical preaching and reading the living Word of God?  No change, no maturity.

2 Peter 3:18 says, But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  To him be glory both now and for ever.  Amen.

As Christians, it's necessary to grow and to change.  To be better and all we can be through Christ Jesus.  So some upgrades are well worth it!

But that's just me!

It is impossible to worship God and remain unchanged-Henry Blackaby

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

When God is Silent

Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1

The following words were found on the wall of a concentration camp:

I believe in the sun, even though it doesn't shine,

I believe in love, even when it isn't shown,

I believe in God, even when He doesn't speak.

Enduring atrocities I will never comprehend, this person wrote something that would encourage all those who would read those words: then and now.  The person who wrote those profound words, understood that at times, God may be silent, but He's never absent.

Hebrews 13:5b says, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

There will be times when we might 'feel' like we are all alone, but in reality, we are never alone.  God tells us that He will never leave us--and I will claim that promise regardless of my circumstances.

"There are a lot of things in life that are difficult to understand.  Faith allows the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see."  John Maxwell

Sometimes, God speaks best through silence-

     But that's just me!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Keep Singing

 I have the devotional book Amazing Grace 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories by Kenneth W. Osbeck.  As I was reading the history behind one of our most classic, beloved hymns, I realized that a lot of the hymns we sing today were written by those with either great victories in their lives, or they were written with grief stricken hearts because of a tragedy that had occurred in their lives.   I thought about that for a moment and had to ask myself, "In the most heart wrenching moments of my life, do I reflect music in my soul?  When I'm hurting the most, do I want to sing?  Do I praise God in ALL of life's circumstances?"  It's easy to do when we are happy and things are going well, but what about when things aren't going so well?  It was a sobering thought.

In Psalm 137:2-4 While in captivity the Bible says, "We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.  For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.  How shall we sing the LORD'S song in a strange land?  Depression closed the mouths of the Redeemed. 

But yet there is another account in the Bible over in Acts 16:23-25.  It says, "And when they had laid many striped upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailor to keep them safely:  Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.  And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them."

What a difference singing and Praising God made!  Paul and Silas had been beaten and imprisoned, but in their hearts they were free!  Free from the circumstances that had them in physical shackles!  And then God freed them literally.  And not only did God refresh the souls of Paul and Silas through their singing, He brought Salvation to the hearers!  Isn't it amazing what a song will do in the hearts of those singing, and in the hearts of those who hear the song?

C.H. Spurgeon once said, "In the absence of all other joys, the joy of the Lord can fill the soul to the brim."

No matter what circumstance you may be in right now, Keep Singing!

But that's just me!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

As Is

I recently had a garage sale.  
I had items that I have had for years that I was ready to get rid of.
Some things were still new, not even out of their original packages, and some things were old.
Some of the older items were faded, scratched, dinged or missing parts.
Those who shop garage sales will find something they like, buy it 'as is' and will try to locate the missing parts, mend the tear, paint the faded and fill the scratch to make their garage sale purchase usable and brand new.
I was like that.
I had been used, scratched, faded, rejected and dinged.  
But then I met The Saviour.
Jesus accepted me 'As Is.'
He will accept you too. 
1 Corinthians 6:20 tells me that I was bought with a price.  I belong to Jesus now.  And every day  He is making me into His Image for His glory.
I have a new purpose.
You can have one too.
But, that's just me!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Are You Watching?

Funny thing happened to my husband this morning.  At 6:45 A.M., donned only in his shorts and jacket to take the dog outside, our Pastor and wife drove by and honked the horn at him.  Even now I'm laughing because he was emphasizing how it was only 6:45 in the morning and how it is, usually, highly unlikely that you would bump into anyone that you knew at that hour.  In our area, it's even highly unlikely that a stranger would walk by our house that early in the morning.
I've  had those moments, have you?  When you don't have your make-up on, but you decide to make a dash up to the Post Office to retrieve your mail, only to come face to face with at least three people you know from church?  If I had my make-up on, I wouldn't have seen one soul.
Or even more embarrassing, maybe you just lost your temper with a Store Worker, and turn around and see someone you know?
Unexpected encounters.  They happen all the time.
The Bible tells us of another unexpected encounter.
1 Thessalonians 5:2 says, For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
2 Peter 3:10a says, But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night:
Revelation 3:3 says, Remember therefore how thou has received and heard, and hold fast, and repent.  If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
And Revelation 16:15a Behold, I come as a thief.  Blessed is he that watcheth,
A.W. Tozer once said, "When He returns is not as important as the fact that we are ready for Him when He does return."
I want to be ready, do you?
But, that's just me!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Just Kidding!

I grew up in a very 'witty' family.  I was the baby of the family with one older brother and two older sisters, and even now as I write this, I'm smiling.  We were all very clever, humorous, amusing, and quick to see who could come up with the fastest, most funny response to any given situation.  I have wonderful memories of us all sitting around the dinner table or a campfire.  Eating a meal, playing a board game, or attending a family reunion, we always had a very lively conversation with plenty of laughter.  But every once in a while, our wittiness could turn to sarcasm.  Our playful, clever, fun, just turned into friendly fire.  A quick jab.  Truth or criticism spoken in a jovial tone.  We all knew when our conversations turned in the wrong direction for three very apparent reasons:
1-Our Mom would holler from the next room and she would say, "Ok you guys, that's enough!"
2-The person who spoke that first jab, would laugh and then say, "I'm just kidding!"
3-Nobody was laughing.
If you have to say, "I'm just kidding,"  guess what?  You just crossed the line from friendly banter to friendly fire, and friendly fire still wounds the target.
Even God's Word tells us that.
Proverbs 19:18,19 compares such talk with a mad man who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death!
Verse 18 says- As a mad man who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death,
Verse 19-So is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am not I in sport?
I'm all for having witty fun, but I pray I will never have to tell someone that "I was just kidding!"
But that's just me!

Keep your words soft and sweet in case you have to eat them-Amish Proverb

Monday, August 3, 2020

Love or Nothing

I was reading 1 Corinthians 13 this morning.  The chapter of the Bible that is usually referred to as 'The Love Chapter.'  This chapter defines what true love really is, and what true love really isn't.  You see some of these verses  pasted on plaques, note pads and coffee mugs.
This chapter explains the very essence of love.
But this morning I couldn't get past the first four verses:
Verse 1 tells me that no matter how eloquently I could speak, my words would sound like a harsh gong or cymbal to those who are listening, and those words spoken would soon be forgotten.  But if I speak words in love, it doesn't matter if my words are spoken with eloquence, my words will have eternal effects.
Verse 2 tells me that even if I had the gift of prophecy, wisdom, knowledge or faith, without love it means nothing.
With means something.
Verse 3 tells me that if I give everything I have to the poor, everything I am to those in need, without love, it means absolutely nothing.
I could have all and be all, but without love it is all meaningless.
I have a choice:
All, or Nothing.
Love, or Something.

Santa Teresa de Jesus once said, "It is love alone that gives worth to all things."
1 Corinthians 13:13 says, "And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

Nothing surpasses love.  Where there is love, you have everything.
......but that's just me!