Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Who is my Neighbor?

 My phone beeped yesterday notifying me of either a text or reminding me that it was my turn in Words with Friends, but when I turned on my screen, it was 'Breaking News" from my News App.  The riots that have been occurring in my home State have gotten so out of control that innocent people are getting brutely hurt.  This is no longer a friendly political protest, this is plain crime.  I opened my news App and watched cruelty in it's rawest form, and as it played out, I wept.  Not only for the victim, but for those recording the incident.  Why didn't the bystanders put away their phones and help this man who was being beaten?  They could have prevented most of the attack if they had only put down their phones!

Luke 10:25-37 tells us of another victim and another crime.

A man was travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho and on his way was ambushed by thieves.  They stole all his goods, all of his clothing and beat him so badly that they left him for dead.  First, a priest walked by and kept walking.  Then a Levite looked upon this beaten man and walked by as well, but then a Samaritan came to where he was and had compassion on him.  He bound up this mans wounds with precious oil and wine, and placed him on his own animal and took him to a safe place to heal.

When we see others who need help, we have two choices:  we can walk by, or we can have compassion and help them.  God help me to have compassion on those in need-

But that's just me!

Love stronger than even the deepest hatred-unknown

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