Saturday, July 25, 2020

Written in the Sand

Have you ever been caught in the act of a secret sin?  Have you literally been grabbed hold of by a mob of self-righteous men and accused of a sin that you cannot deny?
I know of such a woman.  You can read about her in John 7:3-11.
This woman was caught in the very act of her secret sin and brought before Jesus to see what He would do.
In the midst of a humiliating accusation, which was true, Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground.  
The physical finger of God.
The same finger that wrote the Ten Commandments.  The Commandments that include, 'Do not commit adultery.'  The very sin this woman was accused of.
Scripture doesn't tell us what He wrote, but after He stood back up, He invited those who knew no sin to cast the first stone at her.  Can you imagine the rocks being held in the clenched fists of those condemning this woman?  Can you imagine the woman bracing her body, waiting for that first stone to hit her?
After Jesus told the crowd that the sinless could cast their stones, He again stooped down and wrote something else.  Again, Scripture does not tell us what He wrote but I've often wondered if He underlined His words?  When you underline words, it means to stress, show clearly or emphatically, to put emphasis on.  It means 'this is important, pay attention!'
Whatever He wrote, it convicted the accusers enough to drop their stones and walk away.  And then Jesus turns to the woman and asks her, "Where are those thine accusers?
There were none.
Not even Jesus.
Verse 11 says, 'Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
As this woman walked away, I wonder if in her heart, she drew a line in the sand?
Did she make a decision to do as Jesus said, and sin no more?
She was given a fresh start from the Saviour!
Every day is a new day to draw a line in the sand and sin no more.
I'm thankful for fresh starts!
But that's just me!

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