The last night of Family Camp, our Missionary from Germany warned us. He reminded us that Satan was not going to be happy about all the victories and decisions that were made during this past week. He told us not to be surprised when we fall under attack from the devil once Family Camp ended.
Little did he know that the attack had already begun.
And all because of the best of intentions.
Satan is clever that way. He likes to deceive in pretty packages.
I fell for it.
You see, I extended grace towards someone in need, or so I was led to believe there was a need. I rectified an injustice, or so I was led to believe there was an injustice. But I later found out that I had been played.
Webster's Dictionary defines hoodwinked as: "to deceive by false appearance."
And because of that deception, my grace was used to offend a third person.
Where was Paul Harvey when I needed 'the rest of the story?'
I immediately went to that third person and apologized. She graciously explained 'the rest of the story' to me, and all was forgiven.
So what about the person who hoodwinked me?
I left her in God's hands.
You see, God showed me wonderful truths through all of this.
1-Discern even through Grace.
2-It's not my place to fix injustices.
Galatians 6:10 says, 'As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.'
I will continue to extend grace, but will let God do the leading!
But that's just me!
It is better to suffer wrong than to commit wrong - Amish Proverb
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