Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Blessing upon Blessing

 A very dear friend of ours recently spent the night in hospital.  Deciding to be a blessing to both he and his wife, I drove through Starbucks, picked up some coffee and headed their way for a visit.  While there, we laughed, we cried, and we spoke of Jesus.  As nurses walked in and out of the room, or as they passed by the door, they often had perplexed expressions on their faces; we knew what they were thinking!  How can there be laughter in the same room cancer resides?  Because Jesus resides there too!

John 1:16 says, "And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace."  This is such a beautiful verse!  My commentary says, 'The Word made flesh is the source of grace, which is the sum total of all the spiritual favors God gives to all people.  The words we...all refer to Christians.  Because of the fulness of His grace, one blessing after another, comes to Christians as waves continue to come to the shore.  The Christian life is the constant reception of one evidence of God's grace replacing another.'  Walvoord & Zuck
Isn't that beautiful?
Grace upon Grace.  Constantly, one blessing upon one blessing.  Waves of blessings!  That's how God's favor is upon us.  Just thinking about that makes my heart full!    God's blessings toward us are never ending, and they never run out!

As I walked out of the hospital that day, I realized something quite amazing.
    I went there to be a blessing...
        And I was the one blessed...
            But that's just me!

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