Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Today's Sanctification, Tomorrow God's Wonders

"And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you."  Joshua 3:5

Wonders-Efficient far beyond anything previously known, wonders that will cause you to marvel or be astonished.  (Webster) I will add, only those things God can do!

A conditional promise is found here in the book of Joshua, and what a promise!
Sanctify yourselves, and God WILL DO wonders AMONG you!  (capitals mine)

Separate myself from the things of this world today, and tomorrow God will do wonders that only He can do that will cause me to marvel at His majesty and cause me to praise His Name!

That means I must prepare myself today.
It means as things begin to taint my vision from the things of God today, as philosophies of this world entertain my thoughts today, as 'self' wants to take front and center, I must make a decision to confess that immediately, TODAY!
As I keep myself pure today, the wonders of God will fill my tomorrows.

What would happen if we crawled into bed each night and confessed our day to the Lord?
What would happen when we woke up prepared for the Spiritual battle and remained separate from the things of this world?
What would happen if we purposed in our hearts, like Daniel, not to defile ourselves?  (Daniel 1:8)
What would happen if we determined in our hearts to please God rather than man? (1 Thessalonians 2:4, Acts 5:29)
What would happen if when discouraged, we decided to encourage ourselves in the Lord like David?
1 Samuel 30:6b
Or what would happen if we chose to be holy as God is Holy? 1 Peter 1:16

I will tell you what would happen...
    We would see the Wonders of God...
             But that's just me!

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