"If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" Words of Jesus, Matthew 7:11
Don't you just love giving gifts to your children? I do. I love it when I see a need in their lives, and I can provide it for them. When they were younger, they would ask for certain things; sometimes we could get it for them and sometimes not. Sometimes they asked for things that were not good for them, and so as parents, we had to discern what was best for our children to have or not have. I especially love to surprise them with unexpected gifts. Unexpected gifts are often times the most treasured. To be given something when you least expect it, allows the receiver to understand grace and unconditional love.
My Heavenly Father delights in gift giving! His gifts are always state-of-the-art and top-of-the-line. They are not 'used,' 'second-hand,' 'left-overs,' or the wrong size. His gifts for me are not universal, one-size- fits-all, but His gifts for me are personal.
His gifts are just for me.
His gifts are not thought-less, but thought-full. He knows just what I need. (even before I ask)
When I continue to be persistent in my prayers, He is faithful to answer my prayers, and to not only give me what I ask for, but He gives me more than I could ever ask for. He goes above and beyond all expectations when giving me gifts.
And not just physical provisions and needs, but my emotional and Spiritual needs as well.
Sometimes my gift is 'no.'
I accept that gift because it is the best gift for me at that time.
Jesus is all I need.
Jesus is not only the Giver of the gifts...He is also the gift.
God is faithful to give us good things...
Not only for our good...
But for the good of others...
But that's just me!
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17
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