Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Male and Female

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."  Genesis 1:27
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:  marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."  Psalm 139:14

I read something the other day that grieved my heart.  Birth Certificates will no longer require Gender Identification boxes to be checked and completed by the parent at the child's birth.  This Box will be left unchecked until the child reaches an age when they can decide what gender they want to be.

Another article stated that if a person mistakenly or on-purpose, mis-identifies another person by the wrong pronoun, that person can be sued for hate speech.  Including refusing to acknowledge a human who wants to be identified as an animal.

Have you seen the list of Pronouns?  I cannot keep up with all of them, nor do I understand what half of them are referring to.  

In our world today, everyone has to be a part of a group, tribe, or a people.  They ask to be identified as this or that.
God says we are either male or female; saved or lost.
Yes-it's that simple.

When I am asked how I want to be identified, I will answer-
    "I am a woman and a child of God.  I am a Christian and identify with my Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.  I am a People of the Cross!"
        But that's just me!
People of the Cross
By Selah 2017

Home, we're heading home,
We journey on to see our Saviour face to face,
Close we're getting close
Our joy is rising higher with each step we take,
Forward on to Jesus.
We are the people of the cross,
We choose Christ and count all else as loss,
We won't be shaken,
Hope won't be taken,
We are the people of the cross.
Grace if not for grace,
We would be lost without the promise that You gave,
Praise be ever praised,
Your Spirit burns within us brighter every day,
Forward on to Jesus.
Jesus we will be faithful till You meet us,
Give us Your courage as we finish,
We want to hear well done.

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