Friday, March 24, 2023

Content in Captivity

"And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.
And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed."
Acts 16:25,26

I love this account.  I've used these verses before for other Topics, and yet God opened my eyes to new things when I read them today.  Isn't that just like our God?  We serve a Living God, and He gave us His Living Word, and if we were to read the same verse every day for the rest of our lives, He would still show us something new!

Here are just a few things God showed me this morning-
    Paul and Silas prayed and sang at midnight: We have a God who never slumbers or sleeps, but He hears us at all times...right where we are.
Even though Paul and Silas had been beaten, had their feet fast in stocks, they still had a reason to sing and praise God.  They prayed to the Living God, a God they knew, and Who would answer their prayers.

They were content in their captivity, and they were content in His control.

    And the prisoners heard them: that phrase literally means, 'listened intently.'  I'm sure that the talk of the town had made its way into the walls of the prison and to the prisoner's ears.  They knew who Paul and Silas were, and now they were listening intently to the prayers and the songs they were singing.  Paul and Silas' behavior while in their bonds, was not the typical behavior of most prisoners and the other prisoners were taking notice.
    and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken:
You know, we will be in 'prison' for many things in our lifetime.  Prisons by what other people say and do to us and prisons of our own making because of our disobedience, but when we are IN 'prison,' what are we doing?  How is our behavior?  Do we mumble, curse God, shake our fists in the air and shout, "WHY?"  Or do we do as Paul and Silas?  Do we pray, and sing?  

Friend, do you realize that we can be released from our 'prison' earlier by our good behavior in a bad situation, just by praying and singing to God?

    Immediately the doors were opened:  Freedom, and yet the prisoners stayed right where they were.  
    And every one's bands were loosed:  It's interesting to note that EVERY ONE'S bands were loosed. 
Paul and Silas' testimony affected everyone around them!

Does my testimony free others from prison?
  Or does my testimony leave others bound in their captivity?
      God gave me a lot to think about today...
            But that's just me!

"Contentment has been described as that inner satisfaction that enables us to live in quietness, peace and acceptance."  Kenneth W. Osbeck

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