Saturday, December 10, 2022


So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.  Nehemiah 8:8

According to Webster, distinctly means, presenting a clear unmistakable impression.  That's how the children of Israel responded to the reading of God's Word.
When was the last time you were impressed by God's Word?

This morning I turned to Nehemiah 8:10. A well-known verse about how the joy of the LORD is our strength.  I decided to read the entire chapter so I could see what took place before verse 10.  What a beautiful chapter!  In verse 1, it tells us how all the people gathered themselves together as one, to hear Ezra read the Law of Moses.  Such a beautiful picture of unity.
In verse 3 it tells us that the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the Law.
Such anticipation to hear from God!  They paid attention to every word that Ezra spoke!
In verse 5 it tells us how Ezra stood up above the people and began to read from God's Word.  And as Ezra read from God's Word, the people agreed to what Ezra was reading and from a unified heart of worship, they responded with an Amen!  They lifted up their hands in praise and bowed their heads and worshipped God with their faces toward the ground.
What a reverence for God's Word!
My how times have changed!

Laura Story once said, "It's impossible to have an encounter with God and come away from it unchanged."
When was the last time you encountered God?

I couldn't help but compare today's worship with the worship that took place in Nehemiah 8.  The children of Israel loved hearing the Word of God, and they allowed God's Word to change their hearts!  Today, we have such a disregard for the preaching and teaching of God's Word.  It's become a routine, mechanics, just something we do on Sunday mornings.  The children of Israel lifted up their hands and bowed their heads.  They knew they were being spoken to by a Holy God.  God's word spoke to them so strongly that in verse 9 they wept because of their wickedness.
Friend, when you hear the preaching of God's Word, does it still bring you to tears?  Or are you falling asleep?  Did you go to church to meet with God, or is it just something you do on Sundays?
Verse 10 was a result of a changed heart!  The benefit for a changed heart?  A JOY that only comes from the LORD.

Charles Spurgeon said, "The Word of God is always most precious to the man who most lives upon it."

Tomorrow when I go to church, I don't want to go just because it's something I do on Sunday's.  I want to go prepared to worship my Lord, and to listen to His voice.
    But that's just me!

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