Wednesday, August 24, 2022

True Friend/Best Friend

I've been thinking a lot about friendships lately.  Best friends to be exact.   I think that term has been miss-defined.  It doesn't mean what it used to mean.  Friendships now-a-days are made because of how it will benefit one person in the relationship, while the other is left wanting and scratching their head.  In some friendships you will have a 'Taker' and a 'Giver.'  But in true friendships each person will be a Giver.
So-what kind of a friend am I?  And what types of friends and friendships do I have?  As I began to think about what a Best Friend is, I came up with a few ideas:
A Best Friend is:
    One who knows the good and bad about you but loves you anyway-
    One who can listen to your hurts and cry with you and one who can laugh with you in good times-
    One who can tell you hard things when they see something that isn't quite right-
    One who wants to spend time with you and remembers your special days-
    One who can be your total opposite and will still respect who you are as a person-
    One who you can trust completely with your whole heart-
    One who will help you grow in the Lord.
I think sometimes as women we think we need to have a Best Friend, and we picture what our Best Friends were like from our growing up years. Best Friends were made because we were next door neighbors, went to school together, or maybe an event or sports brought you together.  Best Friends can be exclusive, meaning you only have one true friend, or they can be all inclusive, meaning you can have lots of best friends because they are always there for you right when you need them!
And still, again, you can consider someone to be your best friend, and you may not be their best friend.  But that is ok.  We are to be the "Giver' in all relationships!
With all this being said, I know the One True Best Friend in my life is the Lord Jesus Christ who loved me, Saved me and will never leave me.  Then my husband is my best friend.  And although he is not perfect, (neither am I) he, too, is always there for me.
Proverbs 27:6 says, 'Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."
A true friend will tell you the hard things.  There will be wounded times that will help us grow in the Lord and save us from further heartache, and a deceitful friend will flatter with kindness to get what they want for their own selfish reasons.  
I like to think of a wound from a friend that will cut deep, but scab over.  A pretty pink scar will remain to remind me of the depth of love my friend had for me.  She loved me enough that it hurt to help me see correctly and stay on the right path.  A wound from a deceitful friend never seems to scab over, and when I think of the hurt, it is like it happened yesterday, it never seems to heal.  It's because it was a selfish deceitful hurt.  A hurt that was camouflaged, disguised as love, but was really only for selfish gain.
So again, what type of friend am I?  What type of friend are you?
I want to be a True Friend, Faithful Friend and a Best Friend for those who need a friend-
    But that's just me!
"A faithful friend is a truthful friend."  Woodrow Krull

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