Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7
As I'm writing this morning, there is a storm right outside my window. The rain is a torrent, the winds are gale, lighting is flashing and thunder is crashing! It is like a lullaby to me. Sometimes storms put me to sleep. For my puppy, not so much. She is nervous and scared, and can't sit still. Other times, she is content to sit in my lap and cuddle or sleep, but for some reason, during the storms, she cannot sit still, nor does she want my comfort.
Weather storms are a comfort to me. The storms I face in life are not. I'm sure you have 'weathered' storms in your life as well, that don't rock you to sleep, but instead, seem to rock your world! Maybe it's your health, conflict, separation from a loved one, no job, no friends, no money?
Take heart! Jesus is in the storm with you!
I love Matthew 14:24-29 Jesus' disciples were in a boat when a storm came upon them. Jesus knew where they were, and He came to them. The first words out of His mouth is, 'Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.' Really? Be of good cheer? In the middle of my storm, Lord?
And what did Peter do once he realized it was Jesus? He stepped out on the waves!
Don't be to hard on Peter when he loses sight of His Saviour, sometimes storms will cause us to focus on the storm instead of the One Who is in control of the storm. But it didn't take long for Peter to realize where His help comes from; His Lord!
This same Peter wrote 1 and 2 Peter under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. The same Peter who tells us not to be surprised concerning trials we will face in our life, and the same Peter who tells us to be glad and have exceeding joy because of them!
Just like Jesus tells us to 'Be of good cheer.'
As I'm finishing up today's Blog, the winds have stopped, the rain is now a drizzle, and all is quiet. The storm has passed.
Your storm will pass too, Be of good cheer!
But that's just me!
"The more the wind rages the more you feel that the anchor holds you.: Charles Spurgeon
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