Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Soldiers Part 1

Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 
No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.  2 Timothy 2:3,4

Every day is a new day of battle.  Are you ready?  Have you armed yourself?  Have you put your armour on?  Fighting the enemy requires the proper weapons and proper protection.
How do I know what I will need to fight this battle?
Ephesians 6 tells us what we need to have Victory!

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Ephesians 6:10,11

Finally-after all that has been said in the previous verses, I like to think that Paul was saving the best for last!
Strong-Having power, mentally and physically!
In-Inclusion!  (I like that!)  When I'm in the place I need to be, in the Lord, I will have the mental and physical power to fight the enemy!
Whole-entire.  If I am missing a piece of my armour, Satan will know exactly where to attack!
Stand-To maintain my position.  (I love that too!)  I will have SURE FOOTING!  For some reason I picture boxing in my mind.  When a fighter goes down, he usually stays down.  Defeat is certain.  But in Christ, we have sure footing!
Wiles-A trick or strategy intended to ensnare or deceive.  I guarantee you, my friend.  Satan knows your weakest area!

The Christian Soldier is armed for battle:  daily.  So, as we go through the pieces of our armour, make sure you are properly attired!
We are Comrades with Christ.  A comrade is an intimate friend, or fellow soldier.
We are not alone in the battle!
The Lord supplies us with everything we need to live a victorious life, but only when we follow His directions.  He has purchased and supplied every specific part of our armour to wear in battle against specific attacks the devil can throw our way.
God's Word deflects ALL arrows if we LET it.
    But that's just me!

Soldiers Again
by Dallas Holm, Tim Sheppard, Phil Johnson
Backyard soldiers, little boys,
we fought the enemy with little toys,
sticks for swords, hands for guns,
every battle always won.
But as we grew and went our way,
we forgot about our soldier days,
no more swords, no more guns, 
no more battles to be won.
But we were wrong,
we did not see, we still had an enemy,
so now we stand Friend with friend,
we are soldiers once again.
We are soldiers again,
in the army of the Lord,
we are soldiers again,
and His Word is our sword,
we will not be denied with Him by our side,
we know the victory we'll win,
we will fight till the end.
Soldiers again.
And we still can't even see the one we are fighting,
but we stand with One who can, 
the Lord God Almight!

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