Saturday, April 23, 2022

Christian Tears

Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.  Romans 12:15

I took my puppy, Grace to the Vet the other day, and while we were waiting our turn a man walked in cradling his dog.  Mya, as the man called his furry companion, was spooning so close to her Master, you could barely see the material of his jacket.  She was calm, serene and didn't even twitch a whisker as I watched the man pull out his wallet and sign a consent form; dread overcame my heart and tears formed in my eyes as I realized this was not a Wellness Check, but a goodbye.
The man turned to me and saw me crying.  I said, "I'm so sorry."  He nodded and said, 'It's ok, she is old, and it's time.'  He handed his dear pet over to the Nurse, and with the palm of his hand, caressed her chin, then walked out the door.  I cried while watching him pull away.
Compassion even for a stranger.  Why?  Because I knew exactly what he was going through at this moment in time.  I've been in that very place.

The word compassion is mentioned, by name in the Bible 145 times.
Jesus showed compassion towards every person He came in contact with, so, shouldn't we?  Do we? 

Over the course of the past few days, I have asked God to comfort that man.  I'm sure he misses his Faithful Friend.
And I've asked God to allow me more opportunities to rejoice with those who rejoice and opportunities to weep with them that weep, because I want to be just like my Saviour.
    But that's just me!

"The truth is that there are such things as Christian Tears, and too few of us ever weep them."
    John Stott

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