Some say practical jokes began on April 1, 1700. Some historians believe that April Fool's Day dates back to 1582. Regardless of when this practice began, it continues today. Some people use this day as permission to pull some heartless pranks, while others enjoy a day of scheming and playing harmless tricks on family and friends. I remember as a kid I loved April Fool's Day! But I remember an admonishment my mother often told me; "Pranks don't hurt." She also reminded me that "fooling others may be fun, but being fooled often is not, so, if you are going to play this game, be prepared."
When I had kids of my own, I prepared myself for a full day of 'clowning around.'
The Bible speaks a lot about fools, the foolish, foolishness and folly. These verses come with warnings.
Websters dictionary defines "fool" as a person lacking in judgment or prudence. It's a person who has no sense of discernment and can be easily deceived by others, and sadly, can deceive himself.
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." Psalm 53:1
On April Fool's Day I prepare myself to be 'tricked.' I'm cautious about what other's may say or do,
but with Jesus, I don't have to worry about being tricked, deceived, pranked or lied to.
Jesus always speaks the Truth no matter what day it is!
Romans 3:4 says, '...let God be true, but every man a liar,'
When it comes to Jesus, I never have to be on guard. He will never say something and then say, 'Just kidding!' His words are spoken in love and with purpose.
It's ok to have fun, but lets remember the feelings of's what Jesus would do.
But that's just me!
"Those that disobey the commandments of God do so foolishly for themselves. Sin is folly, and sinners are the greatest of fools." Matthew Henry
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