I'm wondering why it seems harder to witness to family members than it is to witness to strangers? Is it because we don't worry so much about conflict or rejection from a stranger, but we do with a member of our own family?
Jesus would often direct those He saved from their sins, or healed from their diseases to go tell those at home FIRST of their salvation and healing, and then go and tell others.
Ezekiel tells me that I have a responsibility to tell the lost, regardless of who they are, about their future judgment. If I don't, I will be held accountable. (Ezekiel 3:16-21)
In Luke 16:19-31Jesus tells us about the Rich man and Lazarus.
I can't get verses 27 and 28 out of my mind. The Rich man, while in torment, had one request:
"Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment."
Those in hell don't want their families to go there.
Revelation 21:4a says, 'And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;'
I believe some of our tears will be from missed opportunities to witness. We will regret not speaking a word in due season. We will be sorry for our silence.
Would I rather witness to my family and make them mad, or wait until they are in hell and they ask me, "Why didn't you tell me?"
Satan wants you to THINK there will be conflict and anger when you witness to someone you love, but God is saying that 'Today is the day of Salvation!'
Determine to rely on God's Grace when you witness so that you don't worry about the reaction of others. You can steal the Devil's power by facing what 'will' happen instead of remaining silent because of what 'might' happen.
Be brave! Be Bold! There are souls to be won!
D.L. Moody once said, "Faith makes all things possible- Love makes all things easy."
Witnessing is easy when there is love behind it!
But that's just me!
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