Tuesday, August 10, 2021

What If I Give All?

"In all my years of service to my Lord, I have discovered a truth that has never failed and has never been compromised.  That truth is that it is beyond the realm of possibilities that one has the ability to out give God.  Even if I give the whole of my worth to Him, He will find a way to give back to me much more than I gave."  Charles Spurgeon

One of my favorite accounts in the Bible is found in John 6:9  It says:  "There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: what are they among so many?"

The answer:  In the hands of Jesus...more than enough.

The disciple, Andrew, should have known this, after all, verse 2 tells us that the multitude had followed Jesus because they had already witnessed the miracles Jesus could do!  They wanted to see more miracles!  And a miracle they did see!  All because a little boy gave all that he had to Jesus.
A lunch possibly packed and prepared by his Mother that very morning, to last him throughout his day.  But when he saw Jesus, this lad wanted to share; and not with just some but ALL.

It made me ask myself, "When was the last time I gave ALL I had to Jesus?"  
When did I literally give to the extent that I went without?  Put another person's need before my own?
When I give to a Love Offering, do I sacrifice on my part for someone else?
Do I give just enough to help with a need, and still be able to drive through Starbucks for my coffee?
Or, do I meet the need and  go without my Starbucks coffee?
What about my time?  Do I alter my plans in order to help someone else with a task they need to do?

Erwin Lutzer once said, "Those who give much without sacrifice are reckoned as having given little."

When God leads you to give, give.  Let Him handle the rest.
"After giving something to God, you are no longer accountable for it.  Your blessing is based on your giving, not on what others do with the gift"  Ed Cole

Lord, help me to be willing to give all.
    But that's just me!
What if I Give All?
He heard the preacher say, "A single dime could feed,
a hungry boy or girl with nothing to eat"
so he pulled a dollar from the pocket of his jeans,
he asked his mama, "How many will this feed?"
she just smiled when she told him ten,
he reached back in again...
"What if I give all I have, what will that gift do?"
"My child a gift like that could change the world,
could feed a multitude!"
He didn't close his eyes or turn away,
I can see him standing tall,
He saw the need and I can hear him say,
"What if I give all?"
Three birthday dollars, could of bought a special toy,
But he reminds me of another little boy,
Who gave to Jesus the gift of fish and bread,
I wonder if he said,
"What if I give all I have, what will that gift do?"
"My child a gift like that could change the world,
It could feed a multitude!"
He didn't close his eyes or turn away, 
I can see him standing tall,
He saw the need and I can hear him say,
"What if I give all?"
Long ago, a Father and His Son,
saw their children lost in sin,
Can you see the tears in Father's eyes,
As Jesus says to Him,
"What if I give all I have, what will that gift do?"
"My Son that gift will change the world,
it will free the multitude!"
We cannot close our eyes and turn away,
when we hear His spirit call,
We see the need, now let Him hear us say,
"What if I give all?"
By Ray Boltz and Mark Pay
Moments for the Heart Vol. 1&2 1994
BMG Rights management

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