Sunday, August 1, 2021

Reading Hearts

1 Samuel 16:7b says.. For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

"God sees hearts as we see faces."  George Herbert

For the past two weeks I have been wearing a heart monitor.  It is recording every single heart beat, every skipped beat, every palpitation,  and rapid heart beat.  Tomorrow I will remove this small monitor, place it in a box and mail it off to be read by a health professional.

I wish the person reading this collected data could read, 'Jesus lives in this heart.'

Only Jesus sees our hearts, the motives behind each action we do, each word we speak, but our actions and words will reveal to others what is or Who is living in our hearts.  

Harry Ironside once said, "The testimony of the lips indicates the state of the heart.

When people read my heart do they see that Jesus lives here, or does my humanity cloak my Saviour's presence?  Is Jesus so evident in my words and actions, that people can overlook my outward appearance to see Him, or are my words and actions making it difficult to see my heart?

God, help others to look beyond my outward appearance to see You in my heart, and God, help me to look beyond appearances and read other's hearts!
    But that's just me!

"And if my actions speak loud and my words seem to be all too human,
it's just that often I choose not to move with the flow of His hand,
But when you look me in the heart, You'll see that I'm changing,
When you look me in the heart, His holiness shows,
'Cause underneath this mortal frame, the Lord is reigning,
You will see Him when you look me in the heart."
    Excerpt from 'Look Me In The Heart' by Wayne Watson 1985 Giants in the Land 

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