Tuesday, July 20, 2021


At times, I can be a hasty person.  A door will open, and instead of making sure it was God Who opened it, I will be quick to walk through it!
Or, I get this thought in my head, it all seems so perfect, (according to my own opinion) I begin to get excited about this grand idea, and before I know it, I've placed myself two steps before God.  Why?  It's usually because I want something.
And when I get ahead of God, regret follows, because the end result is never what I expected.

Webster defines "hasty" as:  acting too quickly, overly eager, impatient, a lack of careful thought.
May I ad...lack of careful prayer?

God blessed me for not being hasty this past week;  let me share:
A friend of mine recently found a used piano for sale and sent me the details.  I was very excited as I have been wanting a piano for quite some time.  The details revealed that this was the exact piano I have been looking for, so I contacted the seller.  After making arrangements to go and see the piano, I disconnected the phone call, and to my surprise, immediately had an uneasy feeling in my Spirit.  In the past, I have chosen to ignore this type of prompting, after all, I prayed about finding a used piano for a long time, and God finally opened the door for one.....right?  But remembering my past hastiness and regrets, I chose to listen and surrender to His still, small voice that said, 'Not this one.'  I contacted the seller, gave her my apologies and passed on what had seemed to be an answer to my prayer.
A few days later, my husband and I went to our local Piano Retailer, showed him a picture of the used piano I had passed on, and he immediately recognized that piano.  He was able to tell me all about it, and told me that although this was a good piano, the price they were asking for it, did not match the age of the piano.  I was saved from regrets.
And then God gave me more than I had asked for.
Isn't that just like God?  To go above and beyond all that we ask?
My husband was able to purchase that very piano, brand new, for just a little bit more than what we would have paid for the used one!

Proverbs 21:5 says-The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.

I learned a few things from this situation-
    Not all open doors are opened by God-
    Not all open doors are meant to be walked through-
    First opportunities are not always the right opportunities-

God blessed me because I waited...
    But that's just me!

"Patient waiting is often the highest way of doing God's Will"- Jeremy Collier

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! My mom always said "haste, makes waste." So true!!Thank you for sharing.
