Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Prayer Chains

When I was a little girl, I use to spend hours sitting among daisies and making daisy chains.  The delicate flowers, attached and unified to each other to make the chain stronger and more beautiful.
Prayer chains work the same way.

Yesterday my friend's daughter fell down at the park and broke her upper arm and chipped her elbow.  After the initial visit to the ER, my friend was told to see a doctor today to see if her daughter would need surgery.  Immediately the prayer request was sent out to praying friends.  One person would contact another person to pray specifically for this precious, little girl to not have surgery. 
Each person praying was attached and unified in prayer.
God answered our prayers.  I was told today that my friends daughter will not need surgery!
Our united prayers turned to united praises for our Saviour Who not only heard our requests, but answered them!  What a mighty God we serve!

It's been said that prayer is releasing the energies of God;  for prayer is asking God to do what we cannot do ourselves.  (unknown)

Martin Luther once said, "None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to effect, but to those who have learned it by experience."

That's why prayer chains exist.  Those who pray have learned that God WILL answer.
I know it to be true....
    but that's just me!

That they may know that this is thy hand; that thou, LORD, hast done it.  Psalm 109:27

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