Has there ever been a time in your life when everything seemed to go wrong? Nothing seemed to go right? You pray and it seems like your prayers go no further than the ceiling? Struggles never seem to end. Days, weeks, and months go by. You have fallen into the Pit of Despair? Down on your knees in desperation you finally cry out to God, "Lord, where are you?"
That's a question that God has heard before.
Job asked that question-Job 23:3
King David asked that question-Psalm 42:3, 10
And many others in the Bible have probably thought that question.
But did you know that God asked that question?
Genesis 3:9 says, "And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, where art thou?"
God already knew where Adam was, so why do you think God asked that question?
Maybe it was so that Adam would realize he was in a place he was never meant to be.
And even though Adam was not where he should be, God still saw him....THERE.
Sometimes our trials and struggles come from our own making: poor choices, sin in our lives, and we try to hide from God.
And yet, other times, God is allowing us to go through something in our lives to bring us closer to Him.
Regardless, of our circumstances and our feelings, when we ask God, "Lord, where are you?"
He always answers, "I'm Here."
Has God called you to do something for Him? Is He calling you by name and asking, 'Where are You?" Are you in the place God has called you to be in, doing what He has called you to do, or are you like Adam.....hiding?
Satan will cause us to doubt, and sometimes it may 'feel' as if we are all by ourselves in the battle, but take heart! Remind yourself that God's Word is always true and God always keeps His promises-
I do, but that's just me!
Hebrews 13:5b for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Matthew 28:20b And, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.
When you are going through a big trial and you can't hear God's voice, remember: the Teacher is always quiet during a test. -unknown
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