Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Side Effects

We are literally bombarded with commercials about pharmaceuticals.  From the most common to the uncommon ailment, we are told we need a drug to fix or manage whatever the problem.  But have you ever noticed that the side effects are usually worse than the actual illness?  Truth be told, I'd rather suffer in my sickness than to suffer from the side effect!
Then there are vaccinations.  Last week, my husband and I drove to our local pharmacy for our Shingle Vaccination.  We have put this off for years because of all of the horror stories we have heard about it, but we finally had to weigh this in the balances to see what would be worse:  getting Shingles, or suffering from the side effects from the vaccine.  The shot won out, and the side effects minimal.
But let's take this one step further;  Do you realize that there is a side effect for everything we do, and for everything we say?  And on the flip side, there are side effects for the things we do not do, and for the things we do not say.
Choices equal consequences.
Is the pleasure for a season worth the cost?  Do you stop and contemplate the results of your actions, or your non-actions? 
Galatians 6:7 says, "Be not deceived;  God is not mocked:  for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
I want to reap blessings....but that's just me!

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