We are in the first stages of remodeling our bathroom. It was an unexpected decision based on the discovery of water damage. So, the demo has begun, and if you have ever had a last minute DIY project, then you know it comes with it's share of snags. Our first snag was removing an old 1930 cast iron bathtub. It's not as easy as the YouTube videos you can watch on-line. My husband and son both took a sledge hammer to the relic-beast that refused to give up it's space that it has occupied for the past 90 years, and refused to even crack! So what to do? Call a friend to help carry the monstrosity out!
Moses had friends to help keep his arms raised when he grew tired. You will find this account in Exodus 17:12. Aaron and Hur stayed by his side, and those helping hands defeated and army.
In Mark 2:1-12 you will find a paralyzed man, who with the help of his friends, brought him to Jesus for healing, and in doing so, found that they, too, had a DIY project! They literally removed the roof to lower their friend down to see Jesus! Their faith and determination, along with their helping hands, allowed this man to be healed by Jesus.
Helping hands come in all shapes and sizes, and always answers the S.O.S. Call.
I want to have Helping Hands. But that's just me!
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