Thursday, September 24, 2020


My husband said something to me the other day while we were out walking our dog.  It was a simple statement, yet profound, because it got me thinking.  He said, "Most people don't live as if Christ will return today."  I answered before really thinking about it, and said, "Well, we all can't quit our jobs, and just sit around and wait because the Bible says 'those who don't provide for their families are worse than infidels.'"  (1 Timothy 5:8)  My husband then answered my off-the-cuff remark with, "What I mean is that most people are working for "things" that will all be left behind one day.....always wanting something bigger, better, new."  He went on to say, "I can honestly say I am content with what I have."

I was very thankful to have had that conversation with him.

Have you ever driven by a home that seems to have everything a person could possibly want?  A boat, a camper, snowmobiles, a truck, cars, jet skis?  You get the picture.  But have you ever noticed anyone home?  Anyone outside enjoying their huge yard, their patio?  Ever see their camper gone for the weekend?  I drive by homes like that every time I drive into town, and you know what?  Nobody is ever home enjoying what they have because they are working themselves to the bone trying to afford all their earthly toys that will one day be left behind.  We can't take it with us when we die, so let me ask you:

Are you content with what you have or do you always want something more?  Bigger?  Newer?  Is what you are working towards in this life laying up treasures in heaven, or just pacifying your 'wants?'

Hebrews 13:5 says:  Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have:  for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. 

I have found that when I am content, my Spirit is at rest....but that's just me!

"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness."  Charles Spurgeon

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