Thursday, July 23, 2020

Random Acts of Kindness

I witnessed many beautiful examples of Christ this past week at Family Camp.  People pitching in to help other families with their children, trash cans mysteriously being emptied when full, doors held open for one another.  When someone saw a need, it was met with no hesitation.  
Random Acts of Kindness.
Random means:  without definite aim or direction.
It means that an act was fulfilled without a pre-made plan or purpose.
One person helped another person without premeditation.  They saw a need and they stepped in to help.
There was one specific Random Act of Kindness that God allowed me to see that still remains so vivid in my mind it was like it happened only moments ago.
Children were out and about playing when it began to rain.  Immediately these children all began running back to their tents, campers or cabins.  All except for one little girl.  Just  moments ago she was surrounded in a flurry of fun activity with all of her friends, but as the rain began to fall, she was left standing there, alone.
And then, all of a sudden, I watched as our Pastor sprinted through the rain and swooped up this little girl into his arms.  As soon as he wrapped his arms around her, he began to lovingly pat her back and whisper reassurances to her.  As he did so, this little girl put her head down in the crook of his neck and allowed him to carry her to shelter.
Isn't that just like Jesus?
One minute we are busy in the everyday activities of life when suddenly a storm hits.
Friends and family seem to disappear, but then Jesus runs and takes us into his arms, whispers to us that everything is going to be OK and shelters us until the storm passes.
Psalm 46:1 says, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Random Acts of Kindness-
not pre-planned for show or recognition, but an opportunity to lend a helping hand in the midst of someone's situation or storm.
I don't know about you, but when God allows me to see a need, may I never hesitate to help.
But, that's just me!

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