Friday, July 10, 2020

Below the Surface

Have you ever shared something that happened to you to someone else only to find out that the same thing happened to them?  You could be talking to one other person or a whole group, and nine times out of ten, everyone has had the same story to share.  Different versions, but the story remains the same.  It makes for an amusing conversation-one that leaves us with laughter, smiles and warm feelings.  We are reassured that those around us experience the same things.
But have you ever noticed that when it comes to hurts, fears, anxiety, illness, burdens, sin, or just needing a helping hand, that we remain quiet?
Why is that?
Pride?  Fear of what someone else might think of us?  Our pretense will be discovered?  
The Bible tells us in Galatians 6:2 "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ."
In Christ, we have a solid foundation to build 'under-the-surface' relationships.
We can talk about more than the weather, sports, and the News.
Maybe if we are brave enough to share our hurts, trials and struggles, we will realize that those around us have gone through the same thing.
And maybe, just maybe, if we let others see us for who we truly are, and not who we pretend to be, we will learn that by doing so, not only will we be able to help someone else, but we will be helping ourselves as well.
But then.....that's just me.