Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
Something happened to me the other day while I was eating lunch; a tortilla chip got stuck in my gums between two teeth. At first this was just an annoyance, but quickly led to an all-out panic. After no success using the green rubber tipped GUM pick, I resorted to a string of floss. After managing to break the string of floss between the affected teeth, and then not being able to get another string of floss between my now-compacted-gum, I was left with no other option then to phone my Dentist. The hour wait time seemed to last an eternity as I fretted over this inconvenience. I texted my husband and told him that I would be going up to see our Dentist for a 'deep cleaning,' and my ever-supportive husband innocently replied back, "That could only happen to you.''
Honestly, my life is prone to such circumstances.
While I was apologizing to my Dentist for having to go see him for such a 'silly' thing that probably doesn't ever happen to 'normal' people, my Dentist laughed and said, "Actually, this happens more often than you think." Hearing those words, relieved my embarrassment, and put my 'fiasco' into perspective. Just knowing that this happens to other people, made it easier for me to bear.
It brought to mind, Galatians 6:2.
I wondered to myself, "How many New Christians suffer in silence because they are too embarrassed to share a burden?"
Then I wondered, "How many Mature Christians suffer in silence because their pride keeps them from sharing a burden?"
Friend, that ought not to be. Yes, there are some things that are not meant to be shared, but when you are going through something and you think, 'It could only happen to me,' just remind yourself that it has probably happened to someone else.
Ease your burden by sharing it with a friend...
Things that cause panic...
Are often laughed about later...
But that's just me!