In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king's palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote. Daniel 5:5
Wouldn't it be something if we saw God's physical hand write instructions or warnings on the walls of our homes as we begin our day?
"Go here-"
"Don't go there-"
"Help so-and-so-"
Can you imagine hearing the voice of God speak when He told the gathered crowd how pleased He was of His beloved Son when Jesus was baptized? Matthew 3:17
Wouldn't it make life easier if we could just have an audible conversation with our Lord?
This past week I had to drive into town to do some errands and to help a friend. I can count 4 times on just this trip into town when I could have been in a serious car accident. FOUR TIMES!
Did I see God's physical hand of protection? No, but His hand was evident. Why? Because there is no other way to explain my safety.
I've heard God 'speak' to me as well. Not audibly, but so evident that I looked around to see if someone in my house was speaking to me. His message was crystal clear.
God Has given us His Living Word. It will guide you physically and spiritually, and you will hear God speak His will to you through it.
You just have to read it, study it, know it...
and listen.
But that's just me!
The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
Psalm 121:8
Safe wherever I go,
Peace the world cannot know;
Sins all forgiven, and heaven my home,
I'm safe wherever I go.
(Hymn-John Rice 1972)