Job 5:8-9 I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause:
Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number.
As I began my quiet time with the Lord this morning, the word 'beyond' entered my thoughts. My prayer journal always begins with praise; my 'thank you' to God for different answers to prayer, gratefulness for all He has done for me and my family.
As I began to praise Him, I realized that the Lord always goes above and beyond all my expectations.
For those things I see and ask for, and for those things I cannot see and neglect to ask for.
Ephesians 3:20a Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think..
A verse of song comes to mind:
God only knows the time my life was threatened just today-
a wreck-less car ran out of gas, before it ran my way-
near misses all around me, accidents unknown-
though I never see with human eyes the hands that lead me home.....
(Angels by Elliot B Bannister, Gary W. Chapman, Amy Grant Hill, Michael w. Smith)
"Beyond." I began to thank God for the things He does for me that I cannot see with my human eye. I thank Him for His hand that gently leads the way in which I should walk, for His constant care...for all things.
God goes above and beyond for I do the same for Him?
A great deal of what we 'see' depends on what we are looking for...I want to see God's hand in every area of my life...But that's just me!
"Always do more than is required of you-" Gen. George S. Patton